Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why Do We Need the Oklahoma Faith Network?

Oklahomans are a very religious people.  Unfortunately, the religious voices most frequently featured in the news media and most actively involved in politics are voices that are on the extreme fringe. 

The vast majority of the religious people in Oklahoma are not connected to the tea party.

Most Oklahomans want good public schools -- not a voucher to pay part of the tuition at a private school.

Most Oklahomans want affordable healthcare and are not opposed to the Obama administration's attempt to secure health care for the uninsured. 

Most Oklahomans support the government giving children free lunches at school and are not opposed to providing vouchers for food to impoverished families. 

The vast majority of the religious people in Oklahoma are not opposed to paying their fair share in taxes to support efficient government services.

On all of these issues the voices of most Oklahomans has been drowned out by the voices of extremists.

The Oklahoma Faith Network is working to make sure moderate and progressive religious voices are heard in the public square.